Shaanxi History Museum

Shaanxi History Museum

Shaanxi History Museum,as one of the most important cradles for the origin of Chinese nation and the Huaxia civilization,
Shaanxi Province possesses a wide range of ideological hallmarks and natural landmarks of the Chinese civilization,
China’s history of revolution, and Chinese geography, including the Mausoleum of the Huangdi Emperor, the Terracotta Army,
the Yan’an Pagoda, the Qinling Mountains, the Huashan Mountains, and so forth.

Fourteen historical dynasties including the Zhou,Qin,Han and Tang dynasties founded their capitals and flourished here.
The rich cultural heritage and profound cultural achievements stimulated the formation of distinctive historical
and cultural ethos in Shaanxi. Regarded as ‘the pearl of the ancient city and treasury of the Huaxia civilization’,
the Shaanxi History Museum is the art pavilion to curate and exhibit Shaanxi’s historical culture and ancient Chinese civilization.

Xian Tours

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