A Blend of History and Charm Qibao Ancient Town, a shining pearl in Shanghai, is like a living history book. Firstly, it shows the beauty of time and mixes history and charm perfectly. Secondly, it’s located in Minhang District. Having gone through hundreds of years, …
Category: Chinese Etiquette
Impressions about Chinese etiquette vary.
Many envision a richly cultural country with traditions and customs celebrated for thousands of years.
Though there remains a veil of this laying on top of modern day China, it is sometimes difficult to see.
In fact, what most are exposed to upon initially stepping off the plane is a lot of what is generally considered quite rude in the West.
People spitting and littering on the street,men relieving their bladders just behind the bushes,
and a general disregard of the fine art that we call queuing are all common sights.
At the dinner table it isn’t considered rude to noisily slurp or eat with your mouth open.
Cultural differences aside,there is a rather intricate etiquette system in China that has developed over millennia.
And while mastery of its twists and turns may be out of reach for most foreigners;
lest you wish to offend your hosts, it is a good idea to at least attempt to understand it.